Practice Areas

Getting Back What's Rightfully Yours

At Balonick Law Office in Los Angeles, CA, we understand the negative impact of late payments and aging account receivables. To avoid these inconveniences, we strive to help our clients quickly collect the money that their debtors owed.

Our team is dedicated to providing you with excellent legal representation and customer service. To make sure that we would be able to come up with the best strategy, we take the time to listen to all your concerns and carefully study the facts of the case.

Knowledgeable in Handling:

Asset Recovery

Judgment Enforcement

Debt Collection

Asset Protection

Breach of Contract

Asset Transfer

Book an Appointment

Do you want to sue someone for breach of contract? Are you thinking of settling a dispute only through negotiations? Turn to us. Our team will assist you in pursuing your debtors and obtaining judgments. To set up a consultation, call us at (310) 703-1755.